Ministry Of Federal Education And Professional Training
Although schools and religious institutions existed long before the 19th century, education was not compulsory and, in the majority of cases, costly. What is more, the value of a child’s labour meant that only the richest families could afford to educate their children, a phenomenon that still exists in many developing countries today. India each state has a director of public education who, among his other tasks, is responsible for the inculcation of basic education through productive activity and local crafts to all children between the ages of 6 and 14. In the Indian curricular system, the student may begin an eight-year elementary school at the age of 6 and may possibly move on to a three-year secondary school and a three-year college, which constitute the higher scholastic organization. Other national variations of the elementary school offer four- and six-year programs that are followed by a three-year junior secondary or middle school and a three-year secondary school. Ddo Po...